Nov 5, 2024
Biochemistry is a high scoring subject. Quite a good number of questions are asked from this subject in NEET-PG which makes it obligatory to thoroughly prepare the subject. According to the recent official subject-wise marks distribution for NEET-PG, around 16 MCQ’s are expected from this subject.
To ease your revision for the exam, we approached our subject matter experts to share Biochemistry important topics for NEET PG which are high-yielding & must be prepared on tips.
Topics | Sub-Topics |
Carbohydrate Chemistry |
Carbohydrate Metabolism |
Enzymes |
Amino acids and Proteins |
Lipids |
Molecular biology |
Miscellaneous |
“Effort is important, but knowing where to make an effort makes all the difference”
Only learn that much you can revise & later you can remember in the exam. Learning rare means wasting many hours in doing that 5% which may or may not come in the exam.
While giving time to rare things, what you miss is your precious time for conceptual & frequently asked topics.
Even if you get a question from the rare/ less important topic, you can easily skip it if you don’t know it, as attempting such a question will only fetch you negative marks.
There always arises a situation when ‘Smart Work beats Hard Work’
Whenever you are worried about skipping some rare topics, relax and stay calm. If the exam comes out to be tough, it will not be difficult just for a single person. All the candidates will appear for the same exam, hence the difficulty level of some questions is not the rank decider.
Go and give your best shot. Remember, life doesn’t give many chances. Make it count. You are a fighter. No matter what, you should never give up your dream.
Also Read: All Important Things About Carbohydrate Metabolism - NEET PG Biochemistry
Important Topics in Pathology for NEET-PG
Best Wishes for upcoming NEET-PG Exam!
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