Aug 6, 2024
One-way Communication or Didetic Communication
Two-way communication or Socratic communication
Focus Group Discussion (FGD)
Panel Discussion
Difference between Panel Discussion and Symposium
Role Play
Delphi Technique
Steps for conducting an interview
Gather Approach/counseling
Spikes Approach
Flannel Graph
Health Communication is an exchange of ideas, feelings, and information in the field of health. It's an important part of community medicine, as a public health specialist needs to deal with many people and communities. So, it's important to know how to approach them, how we try to present them, etc.
The communication cycle has two components: the sender and the receiver. The sender frames a message, which goes through a proper channel to a receiver or audience. We then receive feedback from the receiver. This is the correct sequence of the communication cycle:
Sender - message - channel - receiver - feedback (sent back to sender)
Communication should generate awareness. It should be interesting and motivating. The person should evaluate it, and ultimately, it should be adopted. This sequence of events towards the receivers is also very important. The sequence:
Sequence: - Awareness- interesting/motivation- evaluation - adoption.
For Example- An advertisement in which Amitabh Bachchan is saying two drops of polio can save the lives of people. Here, Amitabh Bachchan is on the channel here, through whom the sender's message is sent to the receiver)
The Sender is usually a government or non-government organization that wants to bring change. They frame the message and send it to the channel (Amitabh Bachchan). Feedback can be taken as an exit poll or survey.
A barrier is an obstruction that stops the communication of information. Following are Some barriers:
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Learning is authoritative and Knowledge is imposed in this type of communication. There is Little or no audience participation. No feedback is taken. It does not influence human behavior or remove misconceptions. There is only one active participant. For Example -TV, radio, newspaper, internet, lecture.
Learning is active, participatory, and democratic, and it is more likely to influence behavior. It is better than one-way communication. We can expect the desired changes if both people are active or talking. One is delivering the message, and one is taking the feedback. It includes the following ways of communication:
Mass Approach Individual Approach Group Method (smaller groups) TV Personal contact Lecture Radio Home visits Panel Newspaper Personal letters Demonstration Posters Counselling Symposium Direct mailing Interviews - in-depth interviews from one person Workshop Folk methods Conference Exhibition and museum Seminar Internet Role playing Printing materials Delphi
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Lecture is also known as the chalk and talk method. Theoretically, it is one-way or didactic. The size of the group should be no more than 30 people. The duration of the lecture should be 15-20 minutes. The type of Learning is passive.
Demonstration is a two-way or Socratic communication. It Relies on the principle of "Seeing is believing and learning by doing." It is one of the most efficient methods of behaviour change because it involves 'community participation.' This method has high motivational values. Example: ORS Demonstration or preparation, application of Scabies ointment, installation of hand pump, construction of sanitary latrines.
It is a technique of qualitative data collection. There are 6-12 participants. They usually sit in a circle. A Moderator leads the FGD. The moderator puts forward the 10-12 leading questions. These questions are open-ended. A Socioogram will reflect the quality of FGD. Quality here means how interactive FGD is. A sociogram is a type of diagram or chart made by a person present there. The sociogram reflects who is actively talking and making arguments and who is not doing anything. One more person is there who is a recorder, who records everything with prior permission.
Analysis would be done on certain common themes. FGD is a two-way or Socratic method of communication. For Example - Suppose there is a community where there is a problem of domestic violence. To find out why this is happening, one can either do a quantitative study design or a qualitative one. This means one can frame a questionnaire, where they can put 20 close-ended questions such as Are you a victim of domestic abuse? What is the reason why it is happening? etc. So, one will get an answer in numbers: 20 women say that their husband drinks and beats them, and 30 women say that their family has expectations.
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A panel discussion involves 4 to 8 experts. It is a Two-way or Socratic method of communication.
A symposium has 4 to 8 experts. It is a Two-way or Socratic method of communication.
Panel Discussion Symposium 4-8 experts 4-8 experts Two-way or Socratic Two-way or Socratic No set agenda Set agenda Not set speeches Set speeches No set order of speaking Set order of speaking Audience is present Audience is present Experts can discuss among themselves (they can intervene in between) Experts cannot intervene in between (they cannot discuss among themselves) Feedback can be taken Feedback can be taken Example- news channel
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A workshop is a Two-way/Socratic method of communication. A workshop is like a series of ≥ 4 meetings under an expert. It always has a purpose to impart skills and develop problem-solving skills. One always leaves a workshop with an agenda in mind. It requires lots of preparation.
Conferences are like macro events. They can be held at the national level, state level, or regional level. It happens on a big scale and has a huge audience. It is a good place to develop social relations.
Seminars are like micro-events. They can last from half a day to a week and happen on a small scale. They involve in-depth discussions of a single topic, which can be more comprehensive. Simultaneously, many activities take place. Seminars are a good place to develop social relations.
Role-playing is also known as Nukkad Natak or Sociodrama. It is a type of Two-way or Socratic method. The audience size is a maximum of 25. There is a huge audience participation.
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A structural communication technique that relies on a panel of experts is regarded as an exploratory and detailed procedure. It is highly used in collective intelligence, i.e., shared or group Intelligence that emerges from the collaboration, collective efforts, and competition of many individuals and appears in consensus decision-making.
The process remains anonymous, and the experts can share feedback without any discretion. It is a group method. There is a need to reach a level of agreement. Example-.KAP (Knowledge attitude practice) study among Medical students on genetics. So, one frames the questions on this and sends them to a group of experts. Every question will be given a ranking, and then experts will mail the feedback. If, from the feedback, we know that we have not achieved the desired level of agreement, then we will make the changes and then resend them to experts. This will continue until we reach "consensus decision-making." The purpose of the Delphi Technique is to select the best possible questions with the best possible answers.
The following are the steps to conduct an interview:
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It is an approach for contraceptive counseling. Initially, we had a cafeteria approach for counseling and now it has been replaced with a Gather Approach. In the cafeteria approach, a basket full of contraceptives is offered to the clients. The gather approach can be remembered using a mnemonic GATHER.
This approach is adopted when one needs to break the bad news to the patient or their family. The Mnemonic used to remember the spikes protocol is SPIKES
It is a Flannel Graph, a method of health communication that involves a series of pictures of a piece of clothing. It is a way of making people learn.
It is similar to a Flannel Graph. It is just like a small calendar in which one can turn the pages and know the details. So, Flipchart can be used to share knowledge.
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Answer. c) Sender, Message, Channel, Receiver, Feedback (Receiver is the Audience)
Answer. b) One way - Didactic method
Answer. d) Panel discussion (two-way communication)
Answer. c) Specific order, Set speeches
Answer. c) Series of 4 or more meetings
Answer. a) Television
Ans. c) Check telecommunications
Also read: Fertility Indicators in a Population
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