Dec 4, 2024
Test for Abstract Thinking
Grades of Insight
Microscopic findings
Diagnosis of Delirium
Visual hallucination
Positive Symptoms (psychotic symptoms)
Negative Symptoms
Acute Dystonia Symptoms
Drug-induced Parkinsonism Pseudo Parkinsonism
Tardive Dyskinesia
Postpartum blues
Postpartum Depression
Postpartum Psychosis
SSRI and Pregnancy
Treatment of OCD
Treatment Drug of Choice
Withdrawal Symptoms of Cannabis
The person believes that someone who is closely related to him has been replaced by an exact double.
Digit repetition/digit span test: A test to assess attention has two components:
Serial 7s subtraction test / (100-7) test: Test for checking concentration. Test judgment: A hypothetical situation is given to the patient, and then he is asked what he will do.
Ability to understand hidden meanings. The second test is similarity testing. Loss of abstract thinking is known as concrete thinking and may be seen in schizophrenia.
In neurosis insight is present; in psychosis insight is absent.
Also read: Dissociative Disorders, Conversion Disorder and Somatic Symptoms
Core features are:
Decrease of acetylcholine. Excessive stimulation by glutamate may damage neurons.
Amyloid plaque: It is called senile or neuritic plaques. Neurofibrillary tangles.
It is the reversible inhibitor of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase.
It is an NMDA antagonist.
Aducanumab: It is a human IgG1 monoclonal antibody. It is given as an IV infusion, which makes it a target-oriented drug. Lecanemab: Amyloid-directed antibody.
Also read: INI-CET High Yield Questions For Psychiatry
It is the most common organic mental disorder.
Consciousness and attention: impairment of consciousness is depicted by clouding of consciousness, confused state, altered sensorium, and reduced orientation. Impairment of attention is depicted by reduced ability to focus, sustaining/shifting attention. Acute psychosis—no impairment of consciousness. Delirium: impairment of consciousness present.
The most common hallucinations in organic mental disorders are visual hallucinations.
Also read: Forensic Psychiatry : Mental Health Care Act
Factor Good Bad Onset - Acute
- AbruptInsidious (Symptoms started gradually slowing) Mood symptoms Present Absent Marital status Married - Unmarried
- DivorcedPrecipitating factors Present Absent
Characteristics 1st generation typical antipsychotics 2nd generation atypical antipsychotic MOA D2 receptor antagonist D2 and 5HT 2A receptor antagonists
Mnemonic: 2A-A for atypicalMetabolic side effects
Weight gain
HyperlipidemiaLess MOA
Also read: Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)
Parenteral (IV/IM) Anticholinergic: Benztropine, Diphenhydramine, Promethazine
Parkinson's symptoms: tremors, rigidity, Bradykinesia, rabbit syndrome (perioral tremors, usually at a later stage).
Treatment: anticholinergic drugs (benztropine, diphenhydramine, trihexyphenidyl).
The most common symptoms are subjective signs (patient may tell that he has restlessness), objective signs (others will notice), rocking motion, placing around, and rapid alteration of sitting and standing. Treatment: Beta blocker: Propranolol (DoC)
Cause: supersensitization of D2 receptors. Symptoms are involuntary moments, lip smacking/chewing, tongue protrusion (fly catching), choreiform hand movements (piano playing), and pelvic thrusting.
Treatment: Valbenazine (DOC)—VMAT vesicular monoamine transporter type 2 receptor inhibitor.
Symptoms: Tanzania has depressive symptoms like sadness, mood instability, tearfulness, irritability, and sleep disturbances.
Symptoms include depressed mood, tearfulness, insomnia, and weight changes. Anhedonia guilt is most often. Suicidal thoughts and thoughts of harming the baby occur sometimes.
Initial symptoms include insomnia, tearfulness, mood lability, and fatigue. Psychiatric emergency treatment includes antipsychotics + lithium in a combination of anti-depression.
Paroxetine should be avoided in pregnancy as it can result in cardiovascular defects. SSRIs and SNRIs are given especially late in the pregnancy and are known to cause persistent pulmonary hypertension in the newborn. Neurodevelopmental/motor disorders, ADHD, Autism SD, low APGAR score, ↓ Gestational Age/↓ Birth weight, GDM, pre-eclampsia.
Neural tube defect (risk lower than valproate) (folate). Cleft palate, fingernail hypoplasia
Safer than valproate, CBZ
R: recurrent and intrusive thoughts/images/impulses.
O: Patient acknowledges that thoughts are his, not imposed by others.
S: Patient also acknowledges them to be senseless
I: He wants to get rid of these thoughts, but these are irresistible.
Repetitive behaviors (e.g., washing, checking) or mental acts (e.g., counting).
First-line treatment: SSRIs (preferred) and Clomipramine (the most common serotonin-selective tricyclic antidepressant). Augmenting agents such as Antipsychotics: Risperidone, Aripiprazole, Haloperidol, and Olanzapine
Also read: Mood Disorder: Types, Symptoms and Treatment
IV Naloxone: It is an opioid antagonist, which is short-acting. It is given at a slow rate of 0.8 mg / 70 kg of body weight.
Signs of improvement: increased respiratory rate, Pupillary Dilation
Withdrawal symptoms are flu-like symptoms:
There is an excessive feeling of euphoria. There may also be a sense of time distortion (slowing down of time) · impaired motor coordination. Sometimes the patients experience some unpleasant symptoms of: Bad Trip: Sometime after cannabis use, patients experience restlessness, fear, panic symptoms, or a feeling of going crazy.
Also read: Bipolar Disorder: Types, Symptoms and Causes
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