Jan 30, 2024
Polyhydramnios is the term for the build-up of excess amniotic fluid that surrounds the growing fetus in the uterus during pregnancy. Pregnant women experience polyhydramnios in 1–2% of cases.
The sickness is usually not too severe. It is often detected in the middle or later stages of pregnancy. Severe polyhydramnios can cause symptoms such as shortness of breath and early labor.
If polyhydramnios is detected, your healthcare team closely examines your pregnancy to help prevent health problems. The degree of the illness determines the course of treatment. Mild cases of polyhydramnios may resolve on their own. Severe polyhydramnios may need closer monitoring by your care team.
The following are among the known causes of polyhydramnios:
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The symptoms of polyhydramnios may be related to the accumulation of amniotic fluid, which puts pressure on the surrounding organs and inside the uterus. Many times, mild polyhydramnios have few or no symptoms. However, severe variants of the illness could result in:
Your doctor can also investigate polyhydramnios if your uterus has become larger than expected for the number of weeks you are pregnant.
Polyhydramnios is associated with some conditions that can develop during pregnancy, such as gestational diabetes. Additionally, you may be at risk for polyhydramnios if you have a condition that affects the developing baby, such as a problem with the digestive system, central nervous system, or other organs.
Problems related to polyhydramnios are:
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To find out if you have polyhydramnios, you will most likely have a fetal ultrasound. This test uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of your unborn child on a monitor.
To check for polyhydramnios, medical professionals can measure the single largest pocket of amniotic fluid surrounding the baby. This is referred to as the maximum vertical pocket (MVP). As an alternative, they might evaluate the fluid in the four quadrants of the uterus, or the amniotic fluid index (AFI). Polyhydramnios is identified when the MVP is 8 or higher or the AFI is 24 or higher.
Depending on the severity and timing of the problem, your healthcare team may recommend additional testing to try and determine the cause of the polyhydramnios:
Your medical team closely examines your pregnancy if you have polyhydramnios. The tests that you may be offered are as follows:
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Rarely is mild polyhydramnios need to be treated. It could vanish by itself. In all other cases, polyhydramnios may be resolved by treating an underlying illness like diabetes.
You may require hospital treatment if you have severe polyhydramnios and exhibit symptoms including stomach pain, shortness of breath, or contractions. Options for treating polyhydramnios include:
Ask your care team to discuss the possible adverse effects. Following therapy, your medical team will likely want to check your amniotic fluid level every one to three weeks. Your care team would most likely plan for your baby's birth to occur at 39 or 40 weeks if your polyhydramnios is mild to severe.
If your polyhydramnios is severe, your team will likely talk about the best timing to deliver. The goal is to lower your and your baby's risk of health problems. Polyhydramnios is a challenging disease. You do, however, have your medical team available to you. Partner with your child to ensure they receive the best care possible.
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