Aug 28, 2023
The hydrosalpinx disease causes fluid to build up and obstruct the fallopian tubes. In your body, fallopian tubes connect the uterus and ovaries. Your ovaries release an egg each month as part of your menstrual cycle, and that egg travels through your fallopian tubes. Healthy fallopian tubes provide a clear path for the union of an egg and a sperm (fertilization). The fertilized egg or embryo passes through a similar open duct to reach your uterus. An embryo that has placed itself in your uterine wall can then grow into a baby.
An accumulation of fluid blocks this channel when there is a hydrosalpinx. Sperm may have trouble getting to your egg through a blocked fallopian tube. If you experience occlusion in your fallopian tube, the embryo may not be able to implant in your uterus even if fertilization occurs.
Your fimbriae could fuse together during the healing process, closing your fallopian tubes. Your tubes swell as a result of fluid being trapped inside of them.
The following are some causes of hydrosalpinx:
Rarely does a hydrosalpinx produce symptoms. When your healthcare professional looks into the reasons why getting pregnant is tough for you, you might not realize your tubes are clogged.
When symptoms are experienced, they consist of:
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There are tests to see if your fallopian tubes are blocked, such as:
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By treating a hydrosalpinx, you can boost your chances of becoming pregnant. Various variables, including your age and the degree of your obstruction, will affect how you are treated.
Your doctor will suggest medications to treat any illnesses you have that are still present. Surgical procedures comprise:
Following this procedure, problems can worsen. Salpingostomy is less successful in conceiving babies than IVF. Many people and couples who are attempting to conceive choose IVF instead of fallopian tube surgery after receiving hydrosalpinx therapy. Depending on your particular situation, your provider can advise you on the best course of action.
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A hydrosalpinx that is left untreated might make it challenging to get pregnant and raise your chances of miscarriage and pregnancy issues. A hydrosalpinx can: In addition to making it challenging to conceive through sexual activity, it can:
Increased chance of an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy: An ectopic pregnancy happens when an embryo implants in one of your fallopian tubes after being unable to reach your uterus due to a blockage. Without treatment, many pregnancies are not viable and may even pose a hazard to life.
Reduce the likelihood that you will become pregnant with in vitro fertilization (IVF): IVF can help you conceive without the use of your fallopian tubes. Using sperm from your partner or a donor, your healthcare professional uses IVF to remove your eggs and fertilize them outside of your body.
Your medical professional will then insert the embryo into your uterus, where it can grow. As soon as the embryo implants into your uterine wall, a hydrosalpinx might cause issues. According to research, the fluid from a hydrosalpinx can run backward into your uterus, producing an unfavorable environment for an embryo in the process of development.
Even if you choose IVF, treating a hydrosalpinx improves your chances of a healthy pregnancy.
Also Read: Vaginal Yeast Infections: Causes, Symptoms, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, Treatment and Complications
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