Oct 19, 2023
Pap smear test
HPV Test Examination
Genital warts are among the most prevalent illnesses contracted during sexual activity. Practically everyone who has sexual contact will at some point in their lives contract at least one form of the human papillomavirus, or HPV. HPV is the virus that causes genital warts.
In the vaginal area, genital warts damage the moist tissues. They could look like little cauliflower-colored pimples or like microscopic pimples. Too few warts are visible most of the time.
Although certain strains of genital HPV can only produce genital warts, others can cause cancer. Certain genital HPV strains may not spread if people receive immunizations.
Women who have genital warts may develop them on the vulva, the cervix, the area between the anus and external genitalia, or the anal canal. In men, they might show up on the tip or shaft of the penis, the anus, or the scrotum.
It is possible for someone who has had oral sexual contact with an infected person to have genital warts in their throat or mouth.
The human papillomavirus (HPV) is the cause of warts. Approximately 40 different forms of HPV affect the vaginal area.
Genital warts are mostly spread through sexual contact. Even if a wart is not visible, you can still infect your sexual partner with it.
Symptoms and indications of genital warts include:
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The majority of people who engage in sexual activity eventually get genital HPV infection. The following elements may increase your risk of getting an infection:
Having multiple partners and unprotected sex; getting sick from an STD before you knew about it; beginning a sexual relationship when you were young; immune system damage from HIV or drugs taken during an organ transplant.
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Vaginal warts are often diagnosed based on appearance. On rare occasions, a biopsy might be necessary.
For women, routine pelvic exams and Pap tests are essential because they can detect changes in the vaginal and cervical tissues caused by genital warts or early signs of cervical cancer.
The instrument used to hold the vagina open during a Pap test is called a speculum. The medical professional can then see the cervix, which is the entrance between the uterus and vagina. Using a long-handled tool, a small sample of cells is removed from the cervix. The cells are examined under a microscope to look for abnormalities.
A small number of genital HPV strains have been associated with cervical cancer. A sample of cervical cells taken during a Pap test can be examined for the presence of certain cancer-causing HPV strains.
Usually, this test is only accessible to women who are thirty years of age or older. It isn't as helpful for younger women because HPV usually goes away on its own.
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You may not require treatment if your warts are not bothering you. You can stop an outbreak with medication or surgery if you are in pain, burning, itching, or worried that the sickness might spread.
However, warts frequently recur following therapy. How to treat the virus itself is unknown.
Medications: The following are the direct skin application therapies for vaginal warts:
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Surgery may be necessary for larger warts, warts that don't go away with medication, and warts that your unborn child may come into touch with after delivery. Surgery alternatives include:
An HPV infection can result in the following complications:
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