Nov 14, 2023
Natural menstruation
Hormonal imbalance
Anatomical problems
Hormone Challenge Test
Radiological tests
Scope tests
Complications Of Amenorrhea
Amenorrhea, the lack of menstruation, is usually considered to signify that one or more menstrual cycles have been missed.
Primary amenorrhea is defined as not having gotten a period by the age of 15. Primary amenorrhea is most often caused by hormone levels, though anatomical problems can also induce amenorrhea.
Secondary amenorrhea is the term used to describe the stop of menstruation for a person who had previously experienced periods for three months or longer. Pregnancy is the most prevalent cause of secondary amenorrhea, while hormone problems can also occasionally be the reason.
The treatment of amenorrhea depends on its underlying cause.
Amenorrhea can have multiple causes. While some can be ordinary, others might be symptoms of a medical problem or a medication adverse effect.
The following are the possible natural causes of amenorrhea during your lifetime:
Certain individuals who use birth control pills or oral contraceptives are unable to get
their period. Even after using birth control, it could take some time until regular menstruation and ovulation return. Other contraceptives that can cause amenorrhea include injectable and implanted forms, as well as several IUDs.
Taken in conjunction with specific medications, such as certain types of:
Occasionally, the following lifestyle variables may result in amenorrhea:
Several medical disorders, including the following, may be brought on by hormonal imbalance:
Concerns about the actual sexual organs themselves can sometimes lead to amenorrhea. As an example, consider:
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Depending on the cause of amenorrhea, an absence of periods may be followed by other signs or symptoms, such as:
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Your risk of amenorrhea may be increased by the following factors:
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During the visit, your doctor will examine your pelvis to check for any reproductive system concerns. If you have never had a period, your doctor may examine your genitalia and breasts to see whether you are undergoing the normal changes associated with puberty.
Several complex hormonal problems can be indicated by amenorrhea. Finding the root of the issue could need some time and several different kinds of testing.
Tests: A variety of blood tests, like the ones listed below, can be necessary:
To cause menstrual bleeding, you take a hormonal medication seven to ten days before the test. Your doctor can assess whether an oestrogen deficit is the cause of your cessation of periods based on the test results.
Based on your symptoms and signs, the results of any blood tests you've done, and other factors, your doctor may recommend one or more imaging tests, such the ones listed below.
If additional tests fail to reveal the problem, your doctor may recommend a hysteroscopy. Through your cervix and vagina, a thin, lighted camera is inserted to observe the interior of your uterus during this procedure.
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How your amenorrhea is treated will depend on its underlying cause. Menstrual cycle restarting is a possible side effect of birth control pills and other hormone therapies. When amenorrhea results from thyroid or pituitary disorders, medication may be used to treat it. A tumour or anatomical blockage may be the cause of the problem, so in that case, surgery might be necessary.
The reasons for amenorrhea may also give birth to other problems. These comprise:
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