Mar 26, 2018
Events | Dates |
Online Registration Ends | 28 March’18 |
Expected date of declaration of online merit list | 31 March’18 |
Commencement of 1st online counseling (Choice filing) | 2 April’18 to 4 April’18 |
Declaration of result of seat allotment 1st list | 6 April’18 to 7 April’18 |
Date of downloading the allotment letters | 7 April’18 to 11 April’18 |
Last date for joining the allotted seat from first online counseling | By 12 April’18 |
Online registration for 2nd round counseling | From 13 April’18 to 15 April’18 |
Expected date of declaration of online merit list | 17 April’18 |
Commencement of second round counseling (Choice filling) | Between 24 April’18 to 25 April’18 |
Declaration of result of seat allotment of 2nd list | 26 April’18 |
Downloading of allotment letters | 27 April’18 to 28 April’18 |
Last date of joining the allotted seat from 2nd round of online counseling | 28 April’18 |
Mop up Round | By 2 May’18 to 8 May’18 |
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