Mar 21, 2018
Events | Dates |
Commencement of Online Application Forms | 15 March’18 |
Last date to apply online | 16 April’18 |
Last date for Application Fee payment (through Bank Pay-in-Slip) | 21 April’18 |
Date of Examination | 13 May’18 |
Department | Total No. of Seats |
Anaesthesia | 33 |
Biochemistry | 5 |
Community Medicine | 7 |
Dermatology | 6 |
ENT | 4 |
Forensic Medicine | 3 |
Internal Medicine | 24 |
Med. Microbiology | 6 |
Nuclear Medicine | 2 |
Obst. & Gynae | 11 |
Ophthalmology | 12 |
Ortho Surgery | 9 |
Pathology | 12 |
Pediatrics | 33 |
Pharmacology | 8 |
Psychaitry | 9 |
Radio diagnosis | 6 |
Radiotherapy | 6 |
Gen. Surgery | 30 |
Transfusion Medicine | 10 |
Total | 236 |
Category | Fees |
SC/ST candidates | Rs. 800 |
For all other categories | Rs. 1000 |
PWD candidates | Exempted from payment of Application fee |
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