Many candidates who took the DNB CET exam have reviewed it as moderately difficulty.
We collected information from around 9000 candidates who took DNB CET exam on 29th June 2018 to help you understand how the exam was for others.
We have consolidated data from all the responses and have tried to present an accurate picture of the exam standard.
Overall difficulty:
Exam was moderate in difficulty according to most candidates.
With 64.9% respondents rating it moderate, 14.3% rating it easy and 20.8% rating it difficult.
Pattern of questions:
Most questions were typical NBE style one liners.
10-15 questions were image based.
Part 1 was comparatively easier and majorly had one liners.
Part 2 was a little more clinical and slightly tougher.
Difficult questions were usually framed as “Easy questions with confusing options”.
According to most respondents 80 questions were easy, 170 were moderate and 50 were difficult.
As usual, marks distribution released earlier by NBE was not strictly followed.High weightage subjects:
Pathology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology and Anatomy had high weightage among big subjects.
Among short subjects Psychiatry had high weightage.
Low weightage subjects:
Anesthesia, FMT and ENT had low weightage.
How many questions did candidates attempt?
According to our survey, maximum candidates attempted 250-280 questions.
No. of questions attempted
Percentage of candidates
Almost everybody surveyed thought that the exam was easy to finish within allotted time.Other common comments received about the exam:
Good quality exam testing memory and concepts. Good mix.
OBGYN and Microbiology will be rank decider.
Many topics were repeated from previous years.
Nice concept of dividing the paper into 2 unit containing 150 questions each.
A staggering 96.1% students surveyed said that PrepLadder’s All India DNB Mock by Dr. Deepak Marwah helped them during the exam.Some comments received:
Thank you for the kind words, we wish you a successful career.
We’re also proud to announce that a lot of questions were direct repeats from PrepLadder question bank and DNB mock. We will release the DNB exam with detailed solutions in a few days for you all to practice.
Any more views about the exam? Leave a comment below.
With Love,Team PrepLadder
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