Apr 6, 2023
Strychnine Poisoning
Gelsemium Poisoning
3. Digitalis Poisoning
4. Cerebra Odellum
5. Nicotine
Spinal and Cardiac poisons poisons are important topics for Forensic Medicine and Toxicology (FMT) preparation. Read this blog post thoroughly to understand everything you need to know about this topic and elevate your NEET PG preparation.
Read this blog post thoroughly to understand everything you need to know about this topic and elevate your NEET PG Forensic Medicine preparation.
Strychnine Poinsening is caused by Strychnine derived from Strychnos nuxvomica (Kuchila). It is used to kill dogs, hence called Dog-buttons. The seeds of strychnine are concavo-convex shaped. It is odorless and bitter in taste. The fatal dose is One crushed seed. Tests to identify Strychnine are:
Strychnine is excitatory in action.
Strychnine acts on the anterior horn cell of the spinal cord (Renshaw cells). There is complete blockade of the Ventral horn of motor neurons and postganglionic receptor site. The Effects of glycine (inhibitory neurotransmitter) are inhibited in the spinal cord and brainstem.
Thus, the overall effect is excitatory.
Thus, this disease mimics the mechanisms of Tetanus.
There are two phases of Strychnine poisening. They are:
The Cause of death in Strychnine Poisoning is respiratory muscle spasm - Asphyxia. Although the Consciousness will be retained.
Cardiac poisoning is Caused by
Aconite is also called blue rocket/ monks hood/ meetha zeher.
Roots of aconite are conical in shape and tapered at the end with longitudinal ridges. All parts of aconite are poisonous. Roots and seeds are the most poisonous part. Roots of Aconite are generally mistaken as Horseradish root.
Aconite mainly acts on sodium channel (Na+ channel action). It binds to voltage-dependent sodium channels and prolongs the action leading to Excitation of sensory nerves. Sensory nerves are predominantly affected than motor nerves.
Paralyze the motor ganglia of the heart. Respiratory center is slowed. Tachycardia followed by Bradycardia is observed.
Cause of death in aconite poisoning is Cardiac arrhythmia (mostly Ventricular arrhythmia). Hyperkalemia is also seen.
1-2 gms of the root is fatal.
Oleander has two varieties which are of significance
To read about the types of oleander, sign up to the prepladder app and watch the videos from the subject forensic medicine taught by our esteemed faculty.
Gastric lavage with warm saline is the first step in management. Antidote- Digibind (same as that of Digitalis) is given. Digibind binds to the Fab end of the antibody. For AV block - Atropine is administered and for hyperkalemia - Dextrose and Insulin is given.
Digitalis purpurea is also called purple Fox glove is known to cause digitalis poisoning.
Inhibition of Sodium-potassium ATPase channel
Treatment is same as Oleander poisoning.
Cerebra Odellum is also known as Suicidal tree.
BHIST regime
Nicotine is the most common substance abused in India.
And that is everything you need to know about Spinal and Cardiac Poisons for your FMT paper. For more informative and interesting blog posts to upgrade your NEET PG preparation, download the PrepLadder App and keep following our blog.
Answer: Cannabis
Answer: Nicotine
Answer: BHIST regime
Answer: The Fatal Dose of Aconite is 1-2 gms of the root.
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