The anatomy of middle ear is a crucial topic for the NEET PG exam because the middle ear is a complex and vital part of the ear and auditory system. The anatomy of the middle ear is closely related to the physiology of hearing and balance.
A deep understanding of the anatomy of the middle ear helps in understanding and diagnosing conditions such as otitis media, tympanicmembrane perforation, otosclerosis, and other ear diseases.
It is a critical aspect of otolaryngology, and a comprehensive understanding of its structure and function is essential for success in the NEET PG exam and in the practice of medicine.
Middle ear volume is 1 ml. Mastoid volume is 5 ml. ET is closed at rest, so we don’t consider the volume. Middle earcleft volume is 6 ml. Middle ear is communicating with the mastoid by an opening K/as Aditus. Mastoid antrum is the largest air cell in mastoid. Antrum is of adult size at birth
Middle ear mastoid is covered by a bony plate; that separates the middle earmastoid from middle cranial fossa. The plate is K/as Tegmen or Dural plate. Tegmen /Dural plate is divided into 2 parts: The part that covers middle ear is K/as Tegmen tympani and the parts that covers mastoid is K/as Tegmen antri (just above antrum)
TM forms the lateral wall of the middle ear.
TM divides middle ear into 3 parts:
Part above TM is Epitympanum/ Attic
Part In Front TM is Mesotympanum
Part below TM is Hypotympanum
Lateral bony wall of Epitympanum is K/as Scutum.
Erosion of scutum is the important sign seen in CT scan of Primary Acquired Cholesteatoma. Roof of mastoid/middle ear is tegmen
Tegmen has a bulge which can be seen from the cranial side. It is K/as Arcuate Eminence, it is due to push by superior semicircular canal. It is the important surgical landmark for facial nerve surgery in the middle cranial fossa approach.
Lower big opening for Eustachian tube/auditory tube (ET connects middle ear to nasopharynx)
Medial wall contains 2 windows
Oval window/ Fenestra Vestibuli: It is covered by a footplate of stapes. Round window/Fenestra cochleae: It is covered by secondary TM.
There is a hook-like structure K/as Processus Cochleariformis, which forms a hook for tensor tympani muscle. [Tensor tympani starts in the anterior wall from the canal and goes to medial where it turns at Processus Cochleariformis and comes out laterally and attaches to handle of malleus]
Horizontal segment/tympanic segment of facial nerve. (Facial nerve is in the bony canal K/as fallopian canal, it is the largest bony canal for the CN, Length of fallopiancanal is 27 mm) Postero superior to facial nerve there is a dome of lateral semicircular canal on medial wall of ME. This is the M/C site for Labyrinthine fistula
There is a bulge in the medial wall K/as Promontory. It is due to the first turn/basal turn of cochlea.
Posterior wall
Opening K/as Aditus which connects ME to mastoid. Vertical segment/ mastoid segment of facial nerve
Pyramid: Stapedius muscle arises from here and attaches to the neck of stapes. Area medial to facial nerves is Sinus tympani (ME site for Recurrence / Residual cholesteatoma), it is a blind sac. Area lateral to facial nerve and above cauda facial angle is K/as Facial recess (this the M/C site for Posterior Tympanotomy)
Inferior wall/Floor
Floor/inferior wall
Jugular bulb and internal carotidartery are present below the floor in between them there is a bony crest K/as Carotico Jugular Crest.
Phelp sign: Inability to distinguish between Jugular bulb and Carotidartery due to erosion of carotico jugularcrest seen in glomus tumor.
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