If a child is born preterm, the layer of skin absent from the body or underdeveloped is the stratum corneum.
Fox fordyce disease is a disease of Apocrine Gland.
Langerhan cells are present in which layer of skin—Stratum Spinosum.
Patch Test: Hypersensitivity : Type IV Hypersensitivity reaction.
Slapped cheek appearance seen in Erythema infectiosum caused by Parvovirus B19.
Swimming pool granuloma is caused by Atypical Mycobacterium.
Bockhart's impetigo: Bockhart's impetigo is a superficial folliculitis (not an impetigo). Also known as Staphylococcus aureus superficial folliculitis. Caused by Staphylococcus aureus
Urticaria: Urticaria Which Happens After Exercise And Sun Exposure is Cholinergic Urticaria.
Syringoma: A benign growth of eccrine sweat glands.
Also read: Granuloma Annulare: Causes, Types, Symptoms, Risk Factors
Heliotrope rash is a feature of Dermatomyositis.
Papillary microabscesses are a feature of Dermatitis Herpetiformis
Acanthosis involves stratum Spinosum.
Cutaneous tuberculosis caused by contiguous spread from underlying foci is Scrofuloderma.
FDA-approved therapies for Androgenetic alopecia include Minoxidil + Finasteride.
Features on Tzank smear of herpes genitalis patient but not in a patient of pemphigus is Multinucleated giant cell.
Pterygium of nail is a specific feature of the Lichen Planus .
An epidermal nevus that appears during adolescence is Becker's nevus.
Classical histopathological features of Mycosis fungicides are Pautrier's microabscess.
The drug of choice for type 1 lepra reaction is oral steroids and MDT.
Bullous papilloma in pregnant females is called Herpes gestationis.
The cause of bindi dermatitis in females is paratertiary butyl phenol.
The best way to diagnose atopic dermatitis is clinical evaluation.
Treatment of choice for genital warts in pregnancy is cryotherapy.
A malignant pustule is a feature of anthrax .
X-linked recessive ichthyosis is caused by the steroid sulfatase gene.
Moth eaten Alopecia is seen in syphilis .
Also read: Bacterial Infections in Dermatology: Overview and Management
Max Joseph's space is a histological finding seen in Lichen Planus.
Lisch nodules are the feature of neurofibromatosis 1.
Scabies in infants differ from adults as it involves the face, palm, and soles.
STD is caused by trichomoniasis .
Dyskeratosis is a feature of benign dermatosis seen in Darier's disease or Hailey-Hayley disease.
The most common cause of recurrent scaly hypopigmented patches on the face in children is Pityriasis alba.
Row of tombstone appearance on histopathology is seen in Pemphigus vulgaris.
The most sensitive test to assess drug effectiveness / resistance in skin smears of leprosy patients is the morphological index.
Footprints in snow appearance is a feature of Pseudopelade of BROCQ.
The type of psoriasis that responds to antibiotics is guttate psoriasis.
Higoumenakis sign is seen in late congenital syphilis.
Intraepidermal immunobullous disorders are caused by the formation of autoantibodies against Desmosomes.
Target lesions are seen in Erythema multiforme.
Also read: Bedside Tests in Dermatology
Which genital ulcer disease does not involve lymph nodes is donovanosis.
Erythema chronic migrans is a feature of Lyme disease.
The most common endocrine disorder seen to be associated with vitiligo is thyroid.
Annular Herald patch is a feature of pityriasis rosea.
The most common cause of contact allergic dermatitis is nickel .
Rarest variety of pemphigus vegetans.
Multiple painful penile ulcers with painful bumps are caused by Haemophilus ducreyi.
Hair stays for maximum duration in the growth phase (Anagen hair) of the hair cycle.
Kogoj's pustule is a feature of psoriasis and seen in the Malpighian layer (Stratum Spinosum and Basale).
Cassal's necklace is a classical clinical feature of pellagra.
A gray color kit is used in patients with urethral discharge.
Spongiosis is seen in the stratum spinosum. layer of the skin and is seen commonly in acute eczema.
Treatment of choice for tinea capitis is Griseofulvin.
Vesicles are never seen in secondary syphilis.
Also read: Plantar Warts: Causes, Symptoms, Risk Factors & Diagnosis
Urticarial lesions can be a manifestation of bullous pemphigoid (immunobullous disorder).
Clofazimine causes ichthyosis-like features and reddish discolouration of skin.
The most common cause of plant dermatitis in India is Parthenium hysterophorus.
Ecthyma gangrenosum is caused by pseudomonas.
The drug used for an unresponsive type II lepra reaction in an uncontrolled diabetic patient is thalidomide.
Sheets of erythema with islands of normal skin is a feature of Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris.
Vismodegib is used in the treatment of BCC (basal cell skin cancer).
The best treatment for telogen effluvium is counseling and biotin.
Treatment of choice for psoriasis in HIV-positive patients is Acitretin.
Fordyce's spots are ectopic sebaceous glands.
Multilocular painful buboes with discharging sinuses are seen in LGV.
The test to differentiate between nevus anemicus and nevus depigmentosus is dioscopy.
The fishnet pattern of immunofluorescence is a feature of Pemphigus vulgaris.
Ichthyosis vulgaris, which mainly presents on extensors and is associated with atopy.
Hereditary angioedema is caused by deficiency of a C1 esterase inhibitor.
Also read: Chilblains: Causes, Symptoms, Risk Factors and Complications
The classical histopathological finding in Molluscum contagiosum is Henderson Patterson Bodies.
Cradle cap is a special form of seborrheic dermatitis.
The most effective drug against M. lepra is rifampicin.
Burrows in scabies are seen in stratum corneum layer of the skin
Ridley Joplin classification does not include Indeterminate & Pure Neuritic Hansen types of leprosy
The most common causative organism for tinea capitis is T. tonsurans.
Chancre redux refers to relapsing syphilis.
Oral steroids are indicated in Impetigo herpetiformis (a type of psoriasis).
What is seen at the periphery of the alopecia areata patch is exclamation mark hair.
Inheritance of incontinentia Pigment is X-linked dominant.
Q Switched ND yag and Ruby & Alexandra laser are used to treat dermal melanocytic nevi.
Asteroid bodies are commonly seen in Sporotrichosis.
TOC for mycosis fungicides is electron beam therapy.
Hypopigmentation in Pityriasis versicolor is due to carboxylic acid or azelaic acid.
Ash leaf macules are a feature of TSC.
The first sensation to be lost in leprosy is temperature.
The wavelength of narrow-band UVB therapy is 311-313 nm.
Clue cells form part of Amesis criteria and are used to diagnose Bacterial vaginosis .
Also read: Balanitis: Causes, Symptoms, Risk Factors, Diagnosis and Treatment
Lines in skin that follow the lines of embryonic migration of cells are Blaschko's lines.
Podophyllin is used for treatment of genital lesions.
Itch is a disease' is true for atopic dermatitis .
Mucous patches are a manifestation of secondary syphilis .
In pure neuritic Hansen, a nerve biopsy is done from the radial, cutaneous, and sural nerves.
Rhinophyma is glandular Rosacea .
Sclerotic bodies are seen in chromoblastomycosis.
One melanocyte transfers melanosomes to 36 keratinocytes around it.
Circinate balanitis is a feature of Reiter's disease/reactive arthritis .
Geographical lesions are seen in BB leprosy
Favus is caused by T. Schoenleinii
Sweet's syndrome shows the presence of neutrophilic dermatosis on blood smear and histopathology.
Geometrical shallow pits are a feature of Alopecia areata.
Also read: Morphea: Causes, Symptoms, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, Treatment
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