Feb 21, 2025
Examples of Amphipathic lipids
Functions of Apoproteins:
Functions of Chylomicron
Metabolism of Chylomicrons
Major Functions of HDL
Fate of VLDL
Fate of IDL
Functions of spheroidal HDL3
Fate of HDL2
Intermediate Stage in Between the Conversion of HDL2 to HDL3
Clinical Features of LCAT Deficiency
Lipoproteins transport lipids in blood because lipids are nonpolar and float in blood, coalescing into large clumps that can clog small capillaries.
It is used to transport any non-polar substance in a polar medium. Amphipathic substances contain both polar and nonpolar groups. Amphipathic substances in polar mediums have polar groups facing the exterior and nonpolar groups facing the interior to keep nonpolar lipids together. A lipid particle is attached to the apoprotein. The lipid part of the lipoprotein will have an Amphipathic outer layer and encloses a nonpolar lipid core in the center. Cholesterol and phospholipids will be on the outer portion whereas the inner portion is covered with cholesterol ester and triacylglycerol.
1. They act as ligands for receptors. Example
Chylomicrons carry exogenous or dietary triacylglycerols from the intestine to extrahepatic tissues. It bypasses the liver due to its large size and enters lymphatics → thoracic duct → left subclavian vein → systemic circulation → extra hepatic tissues
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HDL takes part in reverse cholesterol transport, which is collecting phospholipids and cholesterol ester from extrahepatic tissues and delivering it to the liver. It also acts as a repository for all the apoproteins and helps in recycling apoproteins. Lipoprotein lipase is clinging to the vessel valve held in place with heparin sulfate (present in large vessel walls like the aortic wall). Lipoprotein
lipase acts on chylomicrons triacylglycerol → fatty acid and glycerol
Fatty acids cross the vessel wall endothelium and extrahepatic tissue membranes, enter extrahepatic tissues, and are stored as triacylglycerol.
(Glycerol reaches liver as it is the only organ that can use glycerol because it has glycerol 3 kinase)
Chylomicron can't retain ApoC2 and gives it back to HDL and becomes chylomicron remnant
All remnants together reach the liver, gets accepted by either LDL or remnant receptors
VLDL transports endogenous triacylglycerols from the liver to Extrahepatic tissue. VLDL is formed in liver or hepatocytes and released as nascent VLDL(inactive) into circulation Apoproteins present in nascent VLDL are Apo B100, inactive Apo C2 and Apo E. HDL helps convert nascent VLDL to functional VLDL by activating inactive Apo C2. Active Apo C2 activates LPL, which cleaves VLDL-TAG to form glycerol and fatty acids. Glycerol is used by liver and fatty acids is stored as TAG in extrahepatic tissues
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If VLDL loses its Apo C2 immediately to HDL, it is called a VLDL remnant. VLDL remnant is accepted by the liver through the LDL receptor or remnant receptor. The VLDL remnant contains Apo B100 and Apo E. If VLDL does not lose its Apo C2, retains its Apo C2, goes through multiple cycles of LPL activity, loses a major chunk of TAG, and then loses its Apo C2, now its size is reduced and density is increased; this is called IDL (Intermediate Density Lipoproteins).
The apoproteins present in IDL are Apo B100 and Apo E. IDL reaches the liver after being accepted from a remnant or LDL receptor. When IDL encounters HDL (reverse cholesterol transfer - rich in cholesterol ester), two exchange reactions occur:
a. Cholesterol ester transfer protein transfers all cholesterol esters from HDL to IDL.
b. IDL gives back Apo E to HDL.
IDL becomes LDL which is a cholesterol ester-rich lipoprotein with only Apo B100 protein.
LDL gets either accepted by LDL receptors of the liver or by LDL receptors of extrahepatic tissues.
HDL is formed by both enterocytes and hepatocytes. Liver HDL has its own lipoproteins, while intestinal HDL obtains its lipoproteins from the liver. After HDL gets released into circulation, all the HDL particles will have only cholesterol and phospholipids. Apo A1 apoprotein then attaches to the HDL. HDL is formed in the liver and intestine and takes a discoidal shape because phospholipids and cholesterol (amphipathic) cannot form a core, so they form a discoid shape. Apo A1 activates LCAT in discoidal HDL, transferring the fatty acid from lecithin to cholesterol.
This process results in the formation of cholesterol ester, a nonpolar lipid. Cholesterol ester will form a central core and get surrounded by phospholipid and cholesterol. Finally, the discoidal HDL will get converted to spheroidal HDL.3. Therefore, LCAT converts the discoidal HDL to spheroidal HDL3.
The apoprotein present is Apo A1. Apo A1 activates ABC A1 (enzyme along the membranes of extrahepatic tissues). ABC A1 collects cholesterol ester and phospholipids from all extrahepatic tissue membranes by using ATPs; this cholesterol is added to HDL 3, which increases the size and density decrease of it. This large HDL is called HDL2.
It reaches the liver and gets bound with scavenger receptor B1 which has hepatic lipase activity. It extracts the contents of HDL2. Therefore, reducing its size and forming HDL3 again. When other remnants reach the liver, they bind with a receptor and the cell engulfs the whole
remnant's lipoprotein. This is known as the HDL cycle/reverse cholesterol transport.
Pre-beta HDL (most active form) becomes discoidal HDL Apo A1
activates LCAT (converts cholesterol into cholesterol ester, which forms spheroidal core)
Discoidal HDL to spheroidal HDL
ABC1 activates and gets converted to HDL2, reaching the liver.
The membrane of HDL2 is made up of cholesterol, phospholipids, and other lipoproteins. Excess membrane will be present and gets pinched off as pre-HDL. Phospholipids and cholesterol are attached to Apo A1. LCAT deficiency leads to low HDL concentrations, which leads to hypoalpha proteinemia. Lipoprotein X (characteristic shape taken up by discoidal HDL) is the feature of LCAT deficiency and obstructive jaundice. In obstructive jaundice, bile salts accumulate. Also, Bile Salts are Amphipathic and take lamellar structures; they look like lipoprotein X
There are 2 forms of LCAT deficiency.
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