Q7. The most common non-toxic form of ammonia formed in muscle is:
a keto glutarate
Q8. Urea cycle and citric acid cycle are linked through
Q9. What is true about CPS 1?
Present in cytoplasm
Involved in Pyrimidine synthesis
Stimulated by NAG
Glutamine is the nitrogen source
Q10. A 6 months old female infant began to vomit occasionally and ceased to gain weight. The child became habitually drowsy, temperature raised and her liver was enlarged. The EEG was abnormal. When the milk feeding was avoided and was started on glucose, the condition improved. Urine analysis showed abnormally high glutamine, uracil, orotic acids. Blood showed high ammonium concentration. Citrulline levels were normal. The child has defective:
Ornithine transcarbamoylase
Arginino succinate synthase
In hyperammonemia there will be abnormal changes in EEG with characteristic slowing of waves. CNS depression so slowing of waves will be observed. It is not type one hyper ammonia. The defect was before citrulline. If CPS 1 was defective, the uracil, and orotic acid value would have been less. CPS 2 enzyme on being defective uracil, the orotic acid value would have been less. For option d, the citrulline level will be elevated.
Q11. A 14-year-old child presents with coarse, brittle hair, variable degrees of irritability and behavioral or psychomotor retardation. Previous history of lethargy, poor feeding with vomiting, hypothermia and hyperventilation have been recorded. The hair showed characteristic nodules and brittle nature as shown in the image. Blood investigation revealed high ammonia, glutamate, orotic acid, Citrulline and Argininosuccinic acid.
Arginosuccinate synthetase
Arginosuccinate lyase
There is tufting of hair. Blood investigation showed high ammonia, glutamate, orotic acid, citrulline, and argininosuccinic acid. When argininosuccinatelyase is defective, there is accumulation of argininosuccinic acid causing argininosuccinic aciduria.
Q12. All of the following are aminoacids required for creatinesynthesis except
Q13. All of the following act as sources of atoms of purine ring except:
Q18. All the following amino acids take part in one carbon pool except
Q19. An 8-month-old boy was admitted because of paleness. Laboratory studies disclosed microcytic and hypochromic anemia. Serum iron and ferritin were high. Examination of bone marrow revealed prominent erythroid hyperplasia; 18% of the erythroblasts were distinct ringed sideroblasts. Electronmicroscopic studies found intramitochondrial iron deposits in the erythroblasts. Sideroblastic anemia was diagnosed. A point mutation in SLC25A38 (mitochondrial transporter) was found in this patient. What is the mode of inheritance of this condition?
X linked recessive
X linked dominant
Autosomal recessive
Autosomal dominant
Glycine reacts with succinylCoA in the presence of ALAsynthase to formALA in mitochondria.
When there is a defect in ALA synthase2, a protoporphyrin ring will not be formed.
No protoporphyrin ring, iron cannot be chelated.
So that iron accumulates in the mitochondria surrounding the nucleus (looks like sideroblast)
Hence it is called sideroblastic anemia.
If ALA2 synthasedefect the inheritance is X linkedrecessive sideroblastic anemia.
Sideroblastic anemia can also occur due to the defect of a transporter SLC25A38. Therefore, glycine is not able to enter the mitochondria because of the mutation in the transporter. The gene is present in Autosomal chromosome→Autosomal recessive inheritance.
Q21. Type IITyrosinemia is characterized by all except:
Palmar hyperkeratosis
Corneal ulcer
Oculocutaneous syndrome
Q22. All the following are specialized products obtained from tyrosine except:
A. Dopamine
B. Melanin
C. Epinephrine
D. Serotonin
Serotonin obtained from Tryptophan
Q23. A 6-year-old boy presents with periodic aggressive behavior. His urinaryALA is elevated. On examination, he is icteric. A mild hepatomegaly is observed. Blood examination revealed massive elevation of AFP. HPLC and TMS examination revealed an elevation of succinyl acetone. The probable diagnosis is.
Type II Tyrosinemia
ALA Dehydratasedeficiency Porphyria
Type 1 Tyrosinemia
Type III Tyrosinemia
Q24. A 6-year-old boy presented with spontaneous corneal erosion. On examination, his palms were found to be hyperkeratotic HPLC with TMS revealing a high Tyrosine peak and absence of Succinylacetone peak. The most probable diagnosis is?
Q25. 20-year-old boy with severe mental retardation, mousy odor in body fluids, and hypopigmentation. The patient has frequent episodes of seizures & aggressive behavior. What is your diagnosis?
Maple SyrupUrine Disease
Untreated PKU (Phenylketonuria)
Albinism: Hypopigmentation
Tyrosinemia: Type-I - Hepatorenal syndrome and Type-II - Oculocutaneous syndrome
MSUD: Burnt sugarodor of urine
Important One-liners
The most common non-toxic form of ammonia is Glutamate.
The most common non-toxic form of ammonia formed in neurons is Glutamine.
The most common non-toxic form of ammonia formed in muscles is Alanine.
The urea Cycle and TCA cycle are linked through the intermediate, Fumarate.
The urea and TCA cycle are linked through the amino acid, Aspartate.
The step in which urea is released is catalyzed by Arginase.
The amino acid necessary for hemesynthesis is Glycine
The most common inhibitoryneurotransmitter of brain is GABA
The most common inhibitoryneurotransmitter of spinal cord is Glycine
N N methylene THFA is used for the formation of Thymidine 5 10
C2 of purine ring is formed from N formyl THFA 10
C8 of purine ring is formed from N , N methenyl THFA
Phenylketonuria is caused by the defect of Phenylalanine hydroxylase.
Type 1 Tyrosinemia is caused by the defect of Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase.
Type II Tyrosinemia is caused by the defect of Tyrosine transaminase.
Gain of function mutation of pHPP dioxygenase causes Hawkinsinuria
Oast house odor is caused by Methionine malabsorption
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