Jan 2, 2025
Depolarizing Muscle Relaxant
Non Depolarizing Muscle Relaxant
Heimlich maneuver
Endotracheal tubes
Have three pressure system
Neuromuscular Blockers
Central Neuraxial Blockade
It consists of ester and amide groups. Chloroprocaine is the shortest acting. The most widely used are lignocaine, bupivacaine and ropivacaine.
It is Added with glucose for spinal anesthesia. It is the most cardiotoxic drug. It is the shorter onset and longer duration. It is used in Labour analgesia. It is the best drug for a differential blockade.
Ester-type local anesthetics are metabolized by plasma pseudocholinesterase and their metabolites para aminobenzoic acid being one of the main, are excreted through urine.
Hydrolyzed by Liver microsomal enzymes, even cocaine.
In the case of hand surgery, we use brachial plexus, it is the most common type of block. In the case of lower limb surgery, we can give a subarachnoid block. The most common approach is the supraclavicular approach. Use of certain additives required with local anesthetic for various purposes. Eg. sodabicarb for dense blocker for faster onset. And we use adrenaline to Increase the Duration of the Action.
Most common intraoperative complication- Hypotension which can be prevented by Preloading (administering 1-2L of fluid before surgery). Most common postoperative complication- Urinary retention. Other postoperative complications include bradycardia, respiratory distress, high spinal hematoma formation, neurological syndrome, backache, and post-dural puncture headaches. Halothane is the most potent and has slower induction. On the other hand, Desflurane is less potent and has the fastest induction. Desflurane is the inhalational anesthetic agent of choice for daycare surgery. It is least potent. Maximum Hypotension is Caused by Isoflurans.
New Drug | MAC | BGC |
Halothane | 0.75 | 2.25 |
Isoflurane | 1.13 | 1.3 |
Sevoflurane | 2 | 0.63 |
Desflurane | 6 | 0.42 (Fast Induction agent) |
Also Read: Important Anesthesia Questions for NEET PG/FMG Exam
Propofol, thiopentone, Etomidate acts on GABA receptors. GABA is an inhibitory type of neurotransmitter.
Causes arterial necrosis and gangrene if infected in arteries.
Depolarization is the process when the nerve cell undergoes an electrical shift or when a contraction happens. Acetylcholinesterase - a depolarizing muscle relaxant, breaks acetylcholine and sends it to the nerve terminal.
Drugs- Pipercuronium, Vecuronium, Atracurium, Rocuronium, Pipercuronium, Vecuronium, Atracurium, Rocuronium, and Cisatracurium are the only drugs that act upon the muscles and do not have any action in providing analgesia, or CNS depression. Aminosteroid category drugs are cardiac stable drugs. They do not have any action on the heart. The fastest-acting NDNMB is Rapacuronium because the onset of action is 70-80 seconds, and the second fastest drug is
Rocuronium (90 seconds). The most common Nerve for Neuromuscular Monitoring is Ulnar Nerve.
The most Common Circuit is the Semi Closed Circuit. Semi-closed circuits discovered by Mapleson, were by which is why they are also known as Mapleson circuits. A few types of circuits like semi-closed Type A Type B Type C Type D Type E Type F.
Only Type A Type D and Type F be studied. Type F is the modification of Type E and is known as the JR circuit, named after the scientist Jackson and Rees. It is the circuit of choice for pediatrics. The most used semi-closed Mapleson circuits are adults Type A Type D. Type D semi-closed circuit had a modification and was known as Bain's circuit. Circuit of Choice in most cases are Bain Circuit (Type D). Circuit of Choice for spontaneous ventilation is Maplieson A.
The patient is asked to open the mouth widely, to see whether intubation is going to be easy or difficult. There are four grades of MPC. In grade I Tonsillar pillar, hard palate, soft palate, uvula, and fauces everything is visible. As the grade is increasing, structures of the oral cavity keep on decreasing.
Used to remove foreign bodies from trachea.
Used for Difficult airway management. It has a suction port. but It cannot protect from aspiration.
At the end of the tube, it is a bit laterally cut so that we can see whether it is going while introducing it. This is the bevel end. The bevel end can get obstructed due to secretions. It can prevent oxygen administration. Thus, Murphy's eye is an alternative to providing oxygen or an inhalational anesthetic.
Succinylcholine is the shortest-acting neuromuscular blocker with 2 acetylcholine molecules attached by the acetate methyl group. The fastest-acting NDNMB is Rapacuronium because the onset of action is 70-80 seconds and the second fastest drug is Rocuronium (90 seconds). Fastest NDNMB- Rapacuronium- 75 sec- Not being used. 2 Fastest NDNMB- rocuronium (90sec)- used in RSI. Atracurium undergoes Hofmann degradation.
Layers pierced during the administration of the central block. Spinal cord → Pia mater → arachnoid mater → dura mater → ligamentum flavum → supra and interspinous ligament → subcutaneous fascia → skin
From outside to inside, it includes skin, subcutaneous fascia, supra and interspinous ligament, ligamentum flavum, dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia mater, and spinal cord. Subarachnoid space contains CSF, whereas Epidural space (outside dura mater) is an air-containing cavity.
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