Jan 19, 2023
Three types of mountains
Significance of the Mountains
Importance of Plateaus
It is a flat tableland standing above the surrounding area. Like mountains, they are also young and old. E.g. Deccan plateau is one of the oldest plateaus. Other examples are the East African Plateau in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda and the Western plateau of Australia.
These are large stretches of flatlands; they are generally not more than 200 meters above sea level. Generally, plains are very fertile. Most of the plains are formed by the rivers by depositing the eroded material along their courses and in their valleys. These plains are thickly populated regions in the world such Gangetic belt in India, the Yangtze in China etc.
Interesting points:
Mauna Kea (Hawaii) in the Pacific Ocean is an undersea mountain. It is higher than Mount Everest being 10,205 meters high.
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