May 14, 2024
Schizophrenia (CPG, IPS 2017)
More Intense Relapses
Increased Risk of Dependence
Adverse Effects of Discontinuation
Increased Risk of Toxicity
Increased Risk of Accidents
Patient-Centred Factors
Demographic Factors
Patient Knowledge
Healthcare System Interventions
Social and Economic Interventions
Therapy-Related interventions
Disease-Related Interventions
Leventhal And Cameron
Biomedical Perspective
Behavioural Perspective
Communication Perspective
Cognitive Perspective
Self-Regulating Perspective
The WHO defines adherence as the degree to which a person complies with agreed-upon advice from a health care practitioner when it comes to taking medication, adhering to a diet, and/or making lifestyle changes.
Non-adherence refers to not starting a treatment program, stopping a treatment program too soon, or not following directions to the letter (especially when it comes to administering medicine). The general population's adherence to long-term therapy is 50% in wealthy nations and substantially lower in poor nations.
Fifty percent of patients don't follow the suggested course of care.
One-third of patients miss their clinical appointment times.
Approximately 20–60% of patients discontinue their care.
Health-seeking behaviors (such as keeping appointments).
## Getting vaccinations Using medications (using the right agents, time and dosage, completing and renewing prescriptions, using them consistently, and using them for the whole prescribed duration).
Adhering to guidelines for behavior modification (dietary changes, increased physical activity, smoking cessation, symptom self-monitoring, safe food handling, dental cleanliness, safer sexual behaviors, and safer injection techniques are a few examples).
It may cause patients to be less likely to respond to treatment, which could exacerbate the disease's overall course.
Medications may lead to dependence if they are taken inappropriately by patients.
Patients may have withdrawal symptoms and rebound effects.
Overdose may lead to toxicity.
Adherence to lifestyle modifications is required for many drugs. For instance, individuals on disulfiram shouldn't drink alcohol. Extra safety measures when operating a vehicle (e.g., abstaining from hypnotics and sedatives).
Adherence is a multifaceted behavioral process that is influenced by multiple interrelated elements. There are five dimensions: social and economic, therapy-related, patient-centered, disease-related, and health care system.
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The impact of the disease depends on how they influence
•The patient's view of risk.
• How crucial it is to adhere to treatment.
• Adherence is given top importance.
• Comorbidities play a significant role in modifying adherence behavior.
When encountered, one must make every attempt to comprehend the causes. Evaluation of diverse viewpoints. The multimethod approach works well. Both objective and subjective measurements could exist.
An accurate assessment is important for :
Plan treatments in an effective and efficient manner. Ensuring that the suggested regimen is responsible for any changes in health outcomes.
Valid and reliable measurement of the adherence construct is essential for making decisions about recommendations, drugs, and/or communication methods that encourage patient involvement.
Getting the opinion of patients and physicians regarding how well they adhere to treatment plans. Questionnaires given by the patient, such as those measuring eating habits and food frequency.
Remaining dosage units (e.g. tablets)
This can be counted at clinic visits.
Medication event monitoring system (MEMS)
It is an electronic monitoring device which records the time and date when a medication container was opened.
Checking pharmacy database
When the prescription was initially filled, refilled over time, and prematurely discontinued.
Biochemical measurement
It is possible to identify the presence of non-toxic biological markers in urine or blood and to add them to drugs. Drug levels in urine and blood.
Interventions To Promote Adherence
Adherence interventions should be tailored to the needs of the patient to achieve maximum impact.
Patient-centred interventions
Self-management programs can improve adherence. Benefits of cognitive behavioural approaches and motivational interviewing may be there.
Training: It's critical that healthcare personnel have enough training.
Offering guidance on how to evaluate adherence tools in order to enhance adherence. Health policy: Developing effective programs for care.
Addressing problems including the frequency of doses and the occurrence of adverse effects; they can be enhanced by using supervised mouth-dissolving formulations. Making ready depots.
Adjusting the pharmaceutical regimen.
Recognizing the demands, symptoms, and impairments associated with the disease that might influence adherence. It could be necessary to follow counseling interventions.
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Believes that patients are obedient recipients of their doctor's advice. The patient's features (personality traits, sociodemographic profile) are taken into consideration when interpreting non-adherence.
The goal of patient factors is to increase adherence.
One of the fundamental ideas is the impact of antecedents and consequences on behavior, emphasizing the significance of both positive and negative reinforcement as a mechanism for altering being.
Highlight different aspects of cognitive processes and factors. There are other models, including the theory of planned behavior, the social-cognitive theory, and the health belief model. Paying attention to how patients perceive health risks and evaluate elements that could either help or hinder adherence.
Motivations include the patient's subjective norm or impression of how others with this medical condition might behave, as well as their personal attitudes toward adherence behavior and the perceived societal support for it.
Ensuring the patient possesses the particular behavioral techniques required to carry out adherence behavior, such as seeking out social support and other self-regulation techniques. Transtheoretical model: five phases that people go through when they alter their behavior, together with tactics that foretell advancement to each next phase of change.
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