Q1. A 26-year-old female patient presents with a history of recurrenturinarytract infections and ultrasonography revealing multiple renal calculi. The patient reports pain in the abdomen and back, and physical examination shows tenderness in the right flank. The patient's medical history is significant for a recent urinarytract infection that was treated with antibiotics. The laboratory tests show elevated levels of white blood cells and red blood cells in the urine. The patient is suspected to have a kidney stone, and the physician orders further investigations to determine the type of stone. Based on the clinical presentation, which of the following options is the most likely type of stone in this patient?
Calcium Oxalate
Uric Acid
Correct Answer 3: Struvite
Q2. A 55-year-old male presents with abdominal pain and distension at the gastric region associated with vomiting for 2 months. He has a 10-year-pack smoking history. To evaluate the underlying cause, endoscopy and CT of the abdomen and pelvis are recommended. The diagnosed gastric tumor invades muscularis propria, with the 4-5 regional lymph nodes involved and no distant metastasis. What is the TNMstaging of gastriccarcinoma in this case?
Correct Option C: T2N2M0
Q3. A 52-year-old male presents with gross hematuria, flank pain, and a palpable mass in the right upper quadrant. He has a history of heavy tobacco use and occupational exposure to chemicals. Physical examination reveals a non-tender, mobile mass in the right upper quadrant. Laboratory investigations show anaemia (haemoglobin: 10.5 g/dL), elevated liver enzymes (aspartate transaminase: 72 U/L; alanine transaminase: 58 U/L), and normal renal function. A computed tomography (CT) scan of the abdomen demonstrates a 10 cm solid mass in the right kidney with areas of necrosis and invasion into the renal vein. Biopsy of the mass is taken and histopathological examination reveals the following features: tubulopapillary pattern, often with cells taking a columnar pattern with a hobnail appearance, presence of mucinous material, and desmoplastic stroma. Based on this information, which of the following is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?
Q4. A 40-year-old male patient is brought to the emergency department after a fall from a height. He has multiple small fractures of the ribs on the right side and alarge laceration on the right chest. A chest x-ray reveals a small pneumothorax, and a CT scan shows a right lung contusion. What is the most appropriate management for this patient?
Immediate surgical repair
Insertion of a chest tube and observation
Insertion of a chest tube and administration of high-flow oxygen
Observation and discharge with follow-up imaging
Correct Option B: Insertion of a chest tube and observation
Q5. A 30-year-old man who had been experiencing significant epigastric pain and vomiting for three hours prior arrives at the emergency room. He describes a six-month history of persistent epigastric discomfort that occurred almost daily and was treated with antacids. Upon closer inspection, he appears to be perspiring and stiff. The patient's vital signs show a temperature of 100°F, a blood pressure reading of 100/60 mmHg, a heart rate of 110/min, and a respiration rate of 12/min. The rest of his examination indicated a noticeably painful and stiff abdomen as well as reducedbowel noises. Pneumoperitoneum is seen on an abdominal film and a chest x-ray. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Small-bowel obstruction
Perforated colon carcinoma
Perforated duodenal ulcer
Perforated gastric ulcer
Correct Option C: Perforated duodenal ulcer
Q6. A 55-year-old man presents with nonspecific complaints regarding gastrointestinal symptoms. A diagnosis of gastriclymphoma is made after further examination and investigations. The patient's CT scan shows multiple lymphadenopathies and no evidence of distant metastasis. Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?
Q7. A 40-year-old male presented to the clinic with the complaint of a buried penis. He is morbidly obese with a BMI of 40 Kg/m2. What should be the main surgical technique for this patient?
Testicular prosthesis implantation
CorrectOption A: Panniculectomy
Q7. Which of the following is the treatment for the skin condition shown in the image below?
Topical retinoid
Topical corticosteroids
Oral isotretinoin
Topical brimonidine
Correct Option A: Topical retinoid
Q8. A 71-year-old male presents with increased frequency of urination, weak urine flow, and difficulty initiating urination. Upon further evaluation, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is diagnosed. During embryonic development, the urogenitalsinus gives rise to several structures, including the prostate gland. Which specific region of the urogenitalsinus is responsible for developing the epithelial component of the prostate gland?
Sinus tubercle
Sinus membrane
Sinus prostaticus
Sinus spongiosum
Correct Option C: Sinus prostaticus
Q9. A 63-year-old man is referred from the dermatology outdoors to the surgical outdoors with a complaint of a non-healing wound near the lower lip, as shown in the picture below. The patient has been a professional wildlife photographer for 25 years. He has a 22-year smoking history. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Squamous cell carcinoma
Basal cell carcinoma
Malignant melanoma
Actinic keratosis
Correct Option A: Squamous cell carcinoma
Q10. An adult male, aged 54, arrives at the emergency department with acute epigastric pain and hematemesis. He has no relevant medical history, is not taking any medications, and denies recent use of NSAIDs or alcohol. Physical Examination shows a blood pressure of 90/60 mmHg, a pulse rate of 110 beats/minute, and a pale appearance. An upper GI Endoscopy reveals a small arterial branch arising from the gastricsubmucosa with active bleeding. What would be the best course of action for managing this patient?
Endoscopic therapy with epinephrine injection
Endoscopic therapy with hemoclip placement
Surgical intervention with gastrectomy
Conservative management with proton pump inhibitors
Correct Option B: Endoscopic therapy with hemoclip placement.
Q11. A 55-year-old man presents to the clinic complaining of severe hot flashes significantly affecting his quality of life. After a thorough evaluation, the clinician determines that he is affected by prostate cancer and is being treated with androgendeprivation therapy (ADT). Which of the following is considered the most effective preventive therapy for severe hot flashes in men?
Oral medroxyprogesterone
Oral testosterone replacement therapy
Oral finasteride
Oral metformin
Correct Option A: Oral medroxyprogesterone
Q12. A 4-month-old baby is brought to the surgeon by his mother with a triangular-shaped head deformity. The baby has a narrow and pointed forehead. He also has hypotelorism. His head CT scan is ordered, showing prematureclosure of the cranial sutures (the image is given below). Which of the following craniosynostosis types is the patient suffering from?
Correct Option C: Trigonocephaly
Q13. A 45-year-old male with a past medical history of poorly controlled diabetes mellitus and hyperlipidemia presents with bloating, post-prandial fullness, vomiting and weight loss from the last 4 months. General physical and abdominal examination is unremarkable. Examination of the nervous system indicates autonomic dysfunction. Which one of the following investigations is most diagnostic for gastroparesis?
CT/MR Enterography
A barium follow-through
Gastric Emptying Scintigraphy
Upper GI endoscopy
Correct Option C: GastricEmptying Scintigraphy
Q14. A 65-year-old man presents with lower urinarytractobstruction symptoms caused by benignprostatehyperplasia (BPH). He is concerned about potential side effects and the procedure's recovery time. He is hesitant about being hospitalized. Which of the following options would be the most appropriate for treating BPH in this case?
Q15. An 80-year-old maid has been admitted to the surgical department to evaluate an abdominal mass. He also complains of weight loss after extensive workup, and a pancreatic carcinoma diagnosis is made. Which of the following is the most common presenting symptom of periampullarycarcinoma of the pancreas?
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