Simplify Pediatrics Preparation and Ace NEET-SS

Comprehensive and high-quality content to ace NEET-SS - Pediatrics

Principles Of Therapy In Children

Jun 15, 2024

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Early Diagnosis And Multimodality Therapy

How Childhood Cancer Presentation Is Unique?

Steps Of Diagnosis

Role of History, Age, and Presentation of tumors

Physical Examination

Screening for Childhood Cancers

Diagnosis And Staging

Summary of Work-up Needed

General Principles Of Therapy



Chemotherapy In Childhood Cancers

Radiotherapy in Childhood Cancers

Radiation Units Summarised

Radiation is of 2 kinds

Biological Therapy in Childhood Cancers

Immunotherapy in Childhood Cancers

Late Adverse Effects Of Cancer Therapy

Neurocognitive Dysfunction

Sensory Neuron Hearing Loss

Peripheral Neuropathy

Endocrine Dysfunction

Gonadal Dysfunction

Cardiac Toxicity

Pulmonary Fibrosis and ILD

Late Adverse Effects Of Cancer Therapy

Important Points

Principles Of Therapy In Children
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