Dec 27, 2023
Rescue Phenomenon
Genomic Imprinting
Molecular Summary
Diagnostic Criteria
Nutritional Phases
Molecular Summary
If there is a meiotic nondisjunction in a chromosome. Two copies of chromosomes go under gamete formation, producing two gametes, but there was a nondisjunction of chromosomes. The two gametes produced - one has both the chromosome, and another has no copy of the chromosome. Both chromosomes went to the single gamete. The sperm enters with its haploid pair and fuses with the gamete. During the fusion - one cell has three sets of chromosomes, i.e., two maternal and one paternal set of chromosomes, i.e., Trisomy of chromosomes occurs. And one cell has only one pair of chromosomes, i.e., Monosomy occurs.
If extra maternal chromosome is deleted, then the child born is normal. If only the paternal chromosome gets deleted, then it’s called as UPD (Uniparental Heterodisomy).
The image shows monosomy. In case of Monosomy, Monosomy rescue takes place and duplication of same chromosome occurs. As the chromosome is derived from same parent it is called as Uniparental disomy.
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It can occur due to two phenomena. 70% of cases arise due to deletion - Paternal deletion + Maternal deletion. 30% of cases arise from UPD - Maternal disomy + Maternal imprinting.
The following image shows the diagnostic criteria for Prader-Willi Syndrome:
Any child of age </= 3 years - Total 5 points with minimum 4 major criteria. Age >3 years - Total 8 points with minimum 5 major criteria.
The following image shows the nutritional phases of Prader-Willi syndrome:
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On 15q, there is a maternal derived UBE 3A gene, which codes for a ubiquitin ligase involved in protein targeting. Normally, this cluster is paternally imprinted. This means only the maternal allele is expressed and functional. The loss of maternal contribution results in Angelman syndrome.
It occurs due to 3 phenomena - 70% of cases arise due to deletion - Maternal deletion + Paternal imprinting. 11% of cases arise due to single gene mutation in E6-AP ubiquitin-protein ligase, mainly in familial cases. 5% of cases arise due to UPD - Paternal disomy + Maternal imprinting. 10-15% of cases arise due to unknown or unidentified mechanisms.
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