Important MCQ’s in Rheumatology For NEET SS Medicine
Feb 27, 2025
Q1. A 45-year-old woman with limited scleroderma is admitted to Accident & Emergency in status epilepticus. The previous week she visited her optician with deteriorating vision. Fundoscopy shows cotton wool spots and flame-shaped hemorrhages in both eyes. On examination, her blood pressure was 190/92 mmHg. Urinedipstick revealed protein 3+ and red blood cells 3+. Her fitz is terminated with intramuscular midazolam.
Normal range
10.6 g/dL
11.5-16.5 g/dL
White blood cells
5.5 x 109/L
4-11 x 109/L
155 x 109/L
150-300 x 109/L
Blood film
Polychromasia, helmet cells, reticulocytes
89.6 mg/dl
15-45 mg/dl
1.92 mg/dl
0.9-1.13 mg/dl
Which of the following is the most appropriate intervention?
Q2. A 27-year-old woman with well-controlled rheumatoidarthritis presents to the clinic. Her disease activity score (DAS28) is 2.2 after starting adalimumabmonotherapy six months ago. She completed a 6-month course of isoniazid for TB prophylaxis. She has severe acne, for which she has been taking minocycline for the last year. She now presents with a malarrash and left-sided chest pain, exacerbated by deep inspiration. Investigations reveal:
Normal range
C- reactive protein
<10 mg/dl
<10 mg/dl
Erythrocyte Sedimentation rate
75 mm/hr
Complement C3
Complement C4
Which blood test will confirm the diagnosis?
1. Anti-cardiolipin antibodies
2. Anti-double stranded DNA antibodies
3. Anti-histone antibodies
4. Anti-nuclear antibody
Ans. 2) Anti-double stranded DNA antibodies
Q3. Which of the following autoantibodies is associated with the development of renal complications in patients with SLE?
Q4. A 55-year-old man is referred from the acute medical ward with a month-long history of fever, myalgia, arthralgia and abdominal discomfort. Examination reveals no synovitis but diffuseabdominaltenderness and a few scattered subcutaneous nodules. Urinedipstick is positive for blood and protein. Initial investigations are as follows:
Normal range
95 mg/dl
72 mm/hr
13 x 109/L
4-11 x 109/L
135 umol/L
50-100 umol/L
Which of the following is most likely to confirm the diagnosis in this patient?
2. Renal and celiac Angiography
3. CT abdomen and pelvis
4. Skin biopsy
Ans. 2) Renal and celiac Angiography
Q5. A 24-year-old woman is admitted with sudden onset expressive dysphasia and right-sided hemiplegia. She has suffered from migraine since the age of 16. Clinical examination confirms increased tone in the right arm and leg. Power is graded 4/5 in all muscle groups of the right arm and leg and is 5/5 on the left. There is generalised hyperreflexia and the right plantar is extensor. Sensation to light touch and vibration sense is preserved.
CT Brain: Infarct in the left frontallobe in the territory of the left middle cerebral artery.
Normal range
Anti dsDNA
5 U/L
<20 U/L
32 mm/h
39 mg/L
Lupus Anticoagulant
Anti Cardiolipin IgG
45 GPLU/ml
Anti Cardiolipin IgM
50 MPLU/ml
Factor V Leiden mutation:
Not detected.
Protein C activity
Protein S activity
Anti thrombin III
0.9 kIU/L
0.8-1.2 kIU/L
5.5 micromol/L
4.9-11.6 micromol/L
ECG: sinus rhythm, 80 beats per minute, normal axis, normal morphology.
Which of the following is the next most appropriate investigation?
Q6. A 38-year-old woman diagnosed with limited systemicsclerosis 5 years ago is seen in the clinic. Which of the following examination findings would raise your suspicion of pulmonary arterial hypertension?
1. Bi-basal crackles
2. Double apex beat
3. Loud S2
4. Slow rising pulse
Ans. 3) Loud S2
Q7. A 31-year-old woman presents with a two-month history of cramping pain in her right upper arm, particularly while ironing. She has an approximate one-year history of general malaise and headaches and has lost approximately 5 kg in weight. There is no other past history of note except a miscarriage at 8 weeks. Her only medication is the combined oral contraceptive. On examination, blood pressure is 122/68 mmHg in the left arm, and she is noted to have absent right arm pulses. Initial investigations reveal:
Q8. A 17-year-old woman with known SLE presents with a painful swollen left knee and left wrist and feels generally unwell. She had recently returned from a 2 week official tour. She had stopped taking hydroxychloroquine three months previously. Her blood pressure was 120/70 mmHg, pulse 80 bpm and temperature 37.6℃. Examination revealed 2 pustular lesions on her abdomen, a warm effusion of her left knee, and puffy swelling of the extensor tendons of her left wrist.
Q9. A 25 year old male with known Behcet's disease, who currently is not receiving any medication, presents with a sudden decrease in visual acuity. Review by the ophthalmologists reveals a posterior uveitis. Careful review of the patient's history reveals this is the first episode of an eye manifestation of his disease. Which of the following treatment regimes would you use to control his symptoms?
1. Oral prednisolone and Azathioprine
2. Oral prednisolone and Etanercept
3. Oral prednisolone and Interferon alpha
4. Oral prednisolone and Methotrexate
Ans. 1) Oral prednisolone and Azathioprine
Q10. A 20-year-old man with known Behcet's disease presents with hemoptysis. He describes coughing up 2 teaspoons of blood. He is currently not receiving any medication having stopped Azathioprine himself 4 months previously. Examination reveals a blood pressure of 110/55 mmHg and a pulse of 65 bpm. Chest radiograph reveals a number of rounded opacities. A CT scan of the thorax is performed which confirms multiple pulmonaryartery aneurysm. Investigations are as follows:
Normal range
18 mg/dl
23 mm/hr
9.5 x 109/L
4-11 x 109/L
2.0-7.5 x 109/L
13.6 g/dl
13.5-17.7 g/dl
Which of the following treatment options would you recommend?
1. High dose glucocorticoids
2. High dose glucocorticoids and Anakinra
3. High dose glucocorticoids and Azathioprine
4. High dose glucocorticoids and Cyclophosphamide
Ans. 4) High dose glucocorticoids and Cyclophosphamide
Q11. A 72-year-old woman presents with a one-week history of a rash affecting her shins, and an inability to lift up her right foot whilst walking, which now drags along the floor. Her general practitioner has recently commenced her on a nasalsteroid spray for symptoms of congestion.
On examination, her rash appears vasculitic in nature and is distributed over both shins and the dorsum of both feet. Neurological examination of both lower limbs revealed a gait with right foot drop, normal tone, isolated reduced power of 1/5 on dorsiflexion of the right foot with power 5/5 in all other myotomes. The sensation is reduced over the anterior of the right shin and dorsum of the right foot. A renalbiopsy was performed which revealed that 50% of glomeruli showed crescentic glomerulosclerosis.
Investigations reveal:
Normal range
Urine dipstick
Protein 3+, Red blood cells 3+
Positive 1:320
PR3 Antibody
126.3 mg/dl
15-45 mg/dl
2.77 mg/dl
0.7-1.4 mg/dl
Select the most appropriate management for this patient.
1. Azathioprine
2. Oral prednisolone
3. Plasma exchange
4. Pulsed methylprednisolone and pulsed cyclophosphamide
Ans. 4) Pulsed methylprednisolone and pulsed cyclophosphamide
Q12. A 25-year-old woman presents with painful swollen knees and ankles for the last 12 months. Further questioning reveals a history of recurrent episodes of oral ulceration; she has never had an episode of genital ulceration. She reports using the combined oral contraceptive for treatment of acne.
Examination reveals tender ankles and bilateral small knee effusions. She has two small aphthous mouth ulcers and mild acne on her back.
Q13. A 23-year-old woman with known SLE who is using hydroxychloroquine to manage her condition visits the clinic and discloses she is 7 weeks pregnant. She asks for guidance on how to proceed with her care. Her past discloses that she experienced an unidentified cause miscarriage at 11 weeks three years prior. She has only gotten pregnant once. Investigations in the past have turned up a lupusanticoagulant that was consistently positive. Prior to this, the patient was opposed to long-term low-dose aspirin use. Which one of the following would you suggest, based on the most recent European best practices recommendations?
1. Combined low dose aspirin and low molecular heparin
2. Low dose aspirin
3. Low molecular weight heparin
4. Unfractionated heparin
Ans. 1) Combined low dose aspirin and low molecular heparin
Q14. A 47-year-old man with chronic renalimpairment secondary to Wegener's Granulomatosis returns for follow-up in rheumatologyoutpatient feeling rather lethargic and tired. Twelve months ago, he was treated with intravenous pulsed cyclophosphamide following a severe flare but subsequently improved. One week ago, he developed pain in his left great toe, and his GP prescribed a new tablet for him, but the patient cannot recall what it was called. He does, however, hand you his latest repeat prescription which includes: 1 alfacalcidol, Azathioprine 150 mg daily, Allopurinol 200 mg daily and Salbutamol 100 mcg inhaler. His blood monitoring results over the past 3 months have been satisfactory. His creatinine has been stable over the past 6 months around 170 micromol/L (50-100). On examination he has slight swelling of his left first MTP joint, but no tenderness. There is no lymphadenopathy or splenomegaly.
Investigations reveal:
Normal range
6.4 g/dL
13-15 g/dL
82 fL
80-99 fL
2.2 x 106/L
4-11 x 106/L
0.8 x 106/L
2.0-7.5 x 106/L
138 x 106/L
150-400 x 106/L
136 meQl/L
135-145 meQ/L
4.9 meQ/L
3.5-5.1 meQ/L
22.4 mg/dl
7-21 mg/dlL
1.75 mg/dl
0.89-1.13 mg/dl
Which of the following is the likely explanation of this patient's presentation and results?
1. Anaemia of chronic renal failure
2. Anaemia secondary to cyclophosphamide
3. Flare of Wegener
4. Interaction between azathioprine and allopurinol
Ans. 4) Interaction between azathioprine and allopurinol
Q15. A 43-year-old man is admitted under the general medical intake with generalized progressive weakness of his arms and legs. During the preceding five days, he complained of flu-like symptoms and muscle aches. There is no change in his symptoms after exercise, such as walking up a flight of stairs. He compares the discomfort in his legs to a "swarm of bees crawling over his thighs". He has noticed difficulty swallowing but no nasalregurgitation of liquids. His speech and facial expression remain unchanged. There is no family history of muscle disorders. On examination, he displays marked truncal weakness and has difficulty even sitting upright. He has difficulty holding his head up. The muscle bulk of his arms and legs appears normal, with no wasting or hypertrophy. There is no fasciculation of the muscles. His limb tone is reduced, and he was power graded 3/5 on hip flexion and shoulder abduction. A cranial nerve examination is normal. Respiratory examination is unremarkable.
Normal range
13,000 U/L
30-200 U/L
120 mg/L
<5 mg/L
87 mm/h
<10 mm/h
Urine dipstick: No abnormality detected.
Urine myoglobin: Not detected.
135 meQ/L
135-145 meQ/L
4.3 meQ/L
3.5-5.0 meQ/L
16.5 mg/dl
7-21 mg/dl
1.19 mg/dl
0.7-1.39 mg/dl
25OHVit D
52 ng/L
Desirable levels > 30 ng/L
Free T4
20.8 pmol/L
9.8 - 23.8 pmol/L
2.2 mu/L
0.5-4.5 mu/L
Electromyography is reported as:
Myopathic potentials: low amplitude, short duration polyphasic units on voluntary activation. Increased spontaneous activity with fibrillations and complex repetitive discharges.
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