Oct 19, 2021
Refer to the below-mentioned books to ace the GATE CS & IT exam with flying colours.
Section | Topic | Important Books |
Engineering Mathematics | Linear Algebra Calculus Probability and Statistics | B. S.Grewal, H.K. Das, Linear Algebra and Its Applications by Gilbert Strang (Linear Algebra), A First Course In Probability by Sheldon Ross (Probability), Problems in Calculus in one variable by IA Maron (Calculus) |
Discrete Mathematics | Predicate and propositional logic Sets Graph theory Counting Group Theory | Kenneth Rosen (Discrete Mathematics and its application) Narsingh Deo (Graph Theory) C.Liu (Discrete Mathematics) Matrices (A.R. Vasishta) Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to Computer Science by Jean-Paul Tremblay, R Manohar (Group Theory) |
Digital Logic | Boolean Algebra. Combinational and sequential circuits. Minimization. Number representations and computer arithmetic (fixed and floating-point). | Morris Mano (Digital Logic Design) Anand Kumar (Fundamentals of Digital Circuit) |
Computer Organization and Architecture | Machine instructions and addressing modes. ALU, data-path and control unit. Instruction pipelining, pipeline hazards. Memory hierarchy: cache, main memory and secondary storage; I/O interface(interrupt and DMA mode). | Carl Hamacher (Computer Organization and Architecture) William Stalling (Computer Organization and Architecture) |
Programming and Data Structures | Programming in C. Recursion. Arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists, trees, binary search trees, binary heaps, graphs. | Dennis M Ritchie (C programming Language) Yashwant Kanetkar (Understanding Pointers in C) Alan Feur (Puzzles in C) Sahni (Data Structure) Forouzan (Data Structure) |
Algorithms | Searching, sorting, hashing. Asymptotic worst-case time and space complexity. Algorithm design techniques: Greedy, Dynamic programming and Divide-and-conquer. Graph traversals, minimum spanning trees, shortest paths | H. Cormen (Introduction to Algorithm) Sahni (Fundamental of computer Algorithms) |
Theory of Computation | Regular expressions and Finite Automata. Context-free grammars and push-down automata. Regular and context-free languages, pumping lemma. Turing machines and undecidability. | Hopcroft & Ullman (Formal Language and automata theory) Peter Linz(Formal Language and Automata Theory) |
Compiler Design | Lexical analysis, parsing, syntax-directed translation. Runtime environments. Intermediate code generation. Local optimisation, Data flow analyses: constant propagation, liveness analysis, Common subexpression elimination. | Ravi Sethi (Compiler) |
Operating System | System calls, processes, threads, inter-process communication, concurrency and synchronization. Deadlock. CPU and I/O scheduling. Memory management and virtual memory. File systems. | Galvin, Gagne (Operating System concepts) Tanenbaum (Modern operating system) |
Databases | ER-model. Relational model: relational algebra, tuple calculus, SQL. Integrity constraints, normal forms. File organization, indexing (e.g., B and B+ trees). Transactions and concurrency control. | Henry F. Korth (database System concept) Ramez Elmasri (Database system) |
Computer Networks | Concept of layering: OSI and TCP/IP Protocol Stacks; Basics of packet, circuit and virtual circuit switching; Data link layer: framing, error detection, Medium Access Control, Ethernet bridging; Routing protocols: shortest path, flooding, distance vector and link-state routing; Fragmentation and IP addressing, IPv4, CIDR notation, Basics of IP support protocols (ARP, DHCP, ICMP), Network Address Translation (NAT); Transport layer: flow control and congestion control, UDP, TCP, sockets; Application layer protocols: DNS, SMTP, HTTP, FTP, Email. | Forouzon (Data communication and networking) Tanenbaum (Computer networks) Larry L. Peterson (computer networks) |
Also read: Pro Tips to Crack GATE Computer Science & Information Technology
Particulars Details Exam Duration 3 hours Number of Questions 65 Total Marks 100 Types of Questions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
Multiple Select Questions (MSQ)
Numerical Answer Type (NAT) QuestionsSections General Aptitude (15 Marks)
Engineering Mathematics (13 Marks)
Technical (72 Marks)Marking Scheme For 1 mark MCQ, 1/3 mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.
For 2 marks MCQ, 2/3 marks will be deducted for every incorrect response.
There is no negative marking for NAT and MSQs.
Also read: Tips To Prepare Engineering Mathematics For GATE 2022
To make the most of these books and for better practice, it is strongly recommended to solve previous year’s question papers and attempt Mock Tests on a regular basis.
Now when you are aware of the important Computer Science & Information Technology books, kickstart your GATE CS preparation with PrepLadder. It is an excellent source of quality and reliable learning material for GATE aspirants and has everything you need to ace GATE on one single platform.
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All the best for your exam.
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Raminder is a Content Manager at PrepLadder. He has worked in several aspects of the education industry throughout his career and has assisted numerous candidates in cracking major competitive exams.